Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Europe Transformed

One reason that was very important to the decline of of the western roman empire was Constantine's death. The rest of the Fourth century there was no successful leader. With a bad economic problem with social problems on the taxes, which people were not be able to pay the taxes from the tax collector which fell to economic failure and people did not no what to do because there was no one setting an example or making rules for the empire. The next reason was the Invasions especially the Barbarian invasions. In the 3rd and 4th century the northern East migrated to Germany which pushed to the The Germanic and Dacian tribes. Then many tribes asked permission to be defended by the Romans. Another reason was the Splitting of the Empire. As it was so large the empire was split into two The Eastern and Western. It was like two nations and they were both weakened  in ways that would hard to overcome. There was a bad location where they were located geography and that did not help. When the Germans took control in a way that the Romans had no money left. Money was a big factor, another problem that happened was the money supported the temples of Roman Gods to Christians. The Emporor funded buildings all over the World which was not a good idea, and because of that they lost money. "The Visogothic gain at the expense of Rome was followed by by other migrations of Germanic peoples into the Empire ". That was not good because The Germans would be covered by the Romans. Also as Theodosius died he left his two sons to follow him in divided empire. The never ending war with the Persians was the hardest challange or problem. They marched through Syria as well. As Constantinopele Set foot on the eastern empire he would not let anyone hurt it. But the Germans took over the western empire and they occupied large areas in the western empire. More and more tribes entered Rome and took over with soldiers.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What advances were made in the Islamic world would be useful

Contributions of the doctor. Surgery medicen. They proposed surgery by also finding if animals cure would do the same work for a human. then as the time evaulved they were vgoing to try new techniques.This is important because people need health to live. they started with bandadges for third degree burns or scrapes or cuts. The people would die if they did not have the equitment for the cuts so people could die. The avarage for a human at that time is around 18 years old.

A mathematician is a person who has a important position. to explore and find new techniques for math problems. They invented algebra wich is a huge part of math in schools today. Algebra is the key that unlocks and comes back to other math genras. He needs to help find out the cost of something for trade and algebra was what the mathematicians invented.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The impact

They all have big impacts but in different ways on how people choose to pray and thank their God and what they think is right and wrong.

The differences in the three religions

They all have different ways of telling stories. The Islam are seperated by one group not being clergy and demand.

The relationship of Islam, christianity, and Judaism

the relation ship is they all believe in a God with followers and different people  helping that god while people are playing.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The signifacance of the Quanza

It guides the Muslims in the five pillars of Faith. Faith, Prayer, charity, fasting, and making a pilgramage, The God describes his moral teachings in the holy faithful book.

The Life and teachings of Muhammadhttp://www.pagefarm.net/wiki/index.php?title=Image:MuhammadTeaching.jpg

Muhammad taught to the Makkans. He taught people to worship one God that all beilevers in God were equal. He told the Makkans to be helpful to the poor. peoplImage:MuhammadTeaching.jpge from other social classes came to join him. Lots of Makkans rejected Muhummads teachings.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What was life like in Arabia before Mohamad

Arabian society was divided into several social strata. Women's decision would be enforced the women were also highly cherished and protected and even bloodshed resulted in defense in real imaginary honor. Women were the cause of bloody fights.Men fighting eachother for a women

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Arabian Oasis

The Arabian Oasis is the cheerful place for the Nomads.
It is the one place in the dessert that nomads can go into the water.
The oasis are also the places where there are trees for some shade to get away from the sun.
Whats special to the Arabian dessert,is  it has more trees than normal desserts with buildings sometimes attached which is uncommon for normal desserts.

The Arabian Costal plains

the Arabian costal plains help people to do many things.
one is captains of ships can see a land marker such as costal plains for saftey that there near land.
It also helps humans by not letting tsunamis come over the costal plains and ruining the land.

The Arabian dessert

The Arabian dessert helps people such as pilots meander there way through places and knowing there going in the right direction.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The History projects

There are many different languages , in India but some are not written sanscript, and there are vague forms of songs created by the Monks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The history projects

The Indian Architecture. The Indians used many types of stones and tiles to build there cathedral's, temples,buildings and, homes.They were into all types of Architecture and color.

The history projects

goods and trade. The North had Diamond to trade so they were well off.Also before the ship was invented the southern part of India could not trade because there was no other countries near by.

History projects

History through religion of the Indians.82 percent of the people are Hindu,and 12 percent are Islam.